Sunday, March 24, 2013


Hey! Thanks so much for the pictures! It has been awesome learning so much here at the MTC in Auckland. A group of us leave tomorrow and head for Wellington! I Havnt got to see much, but what I have seen is awesome and green. The trip to temple was really fun,I took some pictures hopefully I can attatch them next e-mail. That is sad news about Jay. Those pictures with Thomas are awesome. He already makes really funny faces, he will have a good williams showley sense of humor. I miss listening to music but it will be good when i listen to some motab or othe approved music when i get out in the field tomorrow.There are some goofy Elders here, but were all rerady to leave the MTC and test what we know and what we have learned here in the mtc. Already scared to meet my companion out in the field. My companion here at the Mtc is a goofball. the funny thing he said today was that his uncle was riding with some motorcyclist and some deer appeared and got mixed in, his uncle pulled out two knives and jumped onto one of the deers and stabbed it with his two knives, then was riding it and stabbing it until it fell over dead. I dont know if i can get a wierder companion than the one i have here at the MTc but we will see.....Well i got to go. Miss you and love you all. Elder williams

Sunday, March 17, 2013

March 17th, 2013

Hey! i have been here like 5 days and its going by pretty fast. were learning some good stuff in the classes. Their helping us get ready to be effective missionariews. In my room there is a guy from Utah, one from Tahiti, one from Tonga, and one from Australia. It is cool because they have us in companionships already and teaching investigators and learning to interact with people better. The food has been good ive been trying to eat everything even my vegetables. Well i got to go now me and my district are done emailing and its off to physical activity. I usually play basketball. We are going to the hamilton temple wednesday i am excited for that!