Sunday, May 26, 2013

May 26th, 2013

I will try to write very fast and all I can, I never have enough time, ha. Sounds Like everybody is doing awesome. Thomas looks like he is doing great and having fun hanging out with Kelli and Cami, and James. That is awesome you are in to Summer break now. Shannae will be a sophomore coming up? Woah, That is awesome Dad is helping out with the Cub Scout Day camp, I remember all the fun scouting activities. So I am getting a new companion this thursday. It is a mid-transfer, so kinda weird. A new companion will come and finish my training. I have received your postcard dad, it was about a week and a half ago, so thank you for that! Kissing the balmey stone in Ireland or something like that. There is a few investigators we have that we are working with and some less actives also. A couple less actives are coming to church again and are happy. A few others we are planning FHEs with that will be fun and really help them. Well I already got to go but Love you all and I am enjoying all my time out here on the lord's errand. Ofa Atu

Sunday, May 19, 2013

May 19th, 2013

Woah another week gone by. This last week was very amazing. We helped a couple other elders in the next area over (Wainuiomata) to do a missionary fireside. We all put on Rugby jerseys and did skits about honesty and integrity for the youth! That was awesome, Then we bore our testimonies and sang "How can I be" with one of the awesome members playing guitar for us elders. After all the fun and joking with the skits, the spirit came strong to the youth and their parents, some were crying while we were singing the song. That ward has a big struggle with the youth falling away and into peer pressure, so hopefully we helped a little while also having fun and keeping the spirit there. Our baptism cancelled, but she is still coming to church, and still has a strong testimony. We are also still meeting with her and visiting her to support her and help her experience all the blessings of the gospel. Other than that I am just enjoying the work and being able to interact and talk with so many different kinds of people everyday. Well love you all and have a great week! Ofa Atu! time for some ping pong and b ball at the chapel!

Monday, May 13, 2013

May 13th, 2013

Hello Family!
That was awesome I was able to talk to most of you today. Happy mothers day! Mostly for Mom but Happy Sabbath day for everybody else. I am enjoying my time out here and starting to love the people(members and Nonmembers) The baptism last week was awesome I was able to speak on faith! Even though the little Saman boy named bryan couldnt understand me, I looked at him during the talk and he gave me a thumbs up! that was amazing The spirit can still affect between people who speak different languages! Well another baptism for saturday! Her nam is Shade and we are excited to see her get baptized. She has had a lot of family trials and it is awesome that she is turning to the gospel for peace! Well I miss all of you, but I am only out here for two short years(less now) So I am going to stay focused on this great work and work hard while I am here. Love you Mom and Happy Mothers day and happy mothers sisters day to you Cami. Ofa atu! (tongan=Love you/take care)

Sunday, May 5, 2013

May 5th, 2013

Hello Family,
Woah another week gone by, It was fun though. I am getting adjusted to the missionary life and making the most of every minute. We have two baptisms coming up! One is a young boy this friday, and the other is a young women who is getting ready for the 18th of this month! I am starting to see that the Lord has a lot of work for me to do here and how he is preparing people to hear more of the restored gospel truths. Got a haircut and went on an awesome little hike with the zone. Our mission president let our zone do the hike because we had at least 10 baptisms this last transfer. i am one transfers old now! We were hiking right by the ocean it was awesome. We went to look for seals but they were all hiding for some reason, it was still a lot of fun.It is good to hear all the news about back home.I am already excited to see rory, i mean little Thomas. And you all get to see Kelli run that is sweet! So I will be calling monday here around 12. So it will be sunday there about 5 or 6. So i have an hour total, but I can call two different places. so i will call the house and also tylers house. I will try the skype if i can, but i am not sure if it will be available for me. I think it might be. I miss you all but I am happy to be able to give a small portion of my life to help this great work and build the lords kingdom on the earth. I am excited to hear all of your voices and possibly see a couple of you next week. Well have a great week! Love, Elder T Williams