Sunday, September 29, 2013

Sept 29, 2013

Hey family,
Last day in September already, woah. How is everything going back in New Mexico? This last week was great. We did a big service for a family here in Wanganui. I felt like I was in the Army or something, cuz we were underneath the family's house and clearing out a bunch of rubbish, fighting a bunch of spiders and spiderwebs. We also gave out the last of our books of mormon. We need to call and get more from the office, so that's a good thing. We have a few people we are teaching and helping, but New Zealanders are laid back lol. So we are trying to find creative ways to help our investigators progress.We had a games night which was awesome. We had some nonmembers and Less Actives, Karaoke, ping pong, and volleyball going on. We also had our first missionary fireside here yesterday. It was sweet. Another missionary sang a tongan song, there was really good talks on the book of mormon and we showed the mormon message on the Book of Mormon by Jeffrey R Holland. Also, bishop spoke at the end cuz there was still a lot of time and it was hilarious. He called up the primary to sing book of mormon stories with him and he was forgetting all the words, everybody was cracking up. Well, the work is moving slowly, meeting a lot of interesting people here and having really fun conversations listening to what the different kiwis believe in and what they think of the gospel. Well Love you all and Have a great week!

Sunday, September 22, 2013

September 22, 2013

Hey Family,
September is going by fast, we had a great week.sounds like a lot is going on over there. Power outages and flooding, I don't know if its safer over there or over here. We met with the pacific area president and his wife, Elder and sister hamula, that was awesome. The work is going great, but slow. We found a nice new family we are going to have an FHE with tonight! It has been rainy here, too. Ive had a cold for like a week now, but still having fun doing the work. That is great you guys went to the state fair, That was always fun. We had a maori Hangi (bbq) and these two islander girls sang, woah that was awesome.Then we all watched a mormon message (cuz there was a nonmember there) which was awesome. Well, love you all and have a great week!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

September 15th, 2013

Hello Family, Woah, September is already half over. Things are going good, we have been working with the two new elders that just came to our ward, one from Tonga (he is like a big teddy bear, haha) and one from Arizona who just started but is ready to work. So we helped them learn the area and have been working with a lot of Less-Actives, a few of them even came to church! The mission tour got postponed til this week so looking forward to that! Getting to know more of the members and people in the area here which is awesome. Well, that is what is going on here, love you all and have a great week!